action X reflection = deep learning
Make it stand out
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
In the past, I have spoken about ACTING WITH INTENTION. I urged you to play with new actions, behaviors, thoughts, and experiences that feel in alignment with what you yearn for.
Doing the things that light you up!
How do you squeeze all the juice from these experiences? How do you extract all the rich learning?
action X reflection = learning
ACTION = Try new things
Living on the edge of our comfort zone is where the most learning happens.
“Whatever makes an experience challenging --- the unexpected, high stakes, complexity, pressure, novelty, and so on – is what makes it a powerful learning experience.” ( Mc Call, 2010)
The more time you spend here, the more you will learn …
Want to take it further?
REFLECTION. Before, during, and after the action!
Moving through the action X reflection cycle is where you can find your next move. It’s where you evaluate your life and examine your core values and feelings. From there, you can decide what is important and how you want to live your life.
Reflection is scalable—you can target it to something as small as a single meeting or moment in time or as large as your mission in life or 10-year career plan.
x ali
Daily Reflections :
What new thing did I try today ? How did it go? What worked well ? What didn’t? What’s the most usefull thing I learned today? What opportunity did I miss? What am I most grateful for? What is ONE thing I will do tomorrow to stretch my comfort zone? What will prompt me to do that?
Weekly Reflections:
What progress did I make last week? How satisfied am I with that? What do I need to focus on in the coming week? Where are my key opportunities to further my learning + development?
Monthly Reflections:
How am I doing on my development objectives? What has supported or enhanced my learning? What is getting in the way of me making progress? Do I need to do anything differently to continue making progress? What feedback do I want, who do I want it from, and how will I make sure I get it?
Quarterly Reflections:
In the past 3 months, have I made the kind of impact on myself and my world that I want to make? Where have I been making excuses for something I need to take personal responsibility for? Have I been actively seeking new, diverse, and challenging experiences to foster my personal growth and development? What are my key priorities for this coming quarter and what capabilities do I need to develop to achieve or fulfill them? What do I need to do differently to manage my personal growth and profewssional development more effectively?
LOVE THIS : When do I need to make a BIG BET ON DOING SOMETHING NEW OR RADICALLY DIFFERENT? What are the signals that I should be looking for?
Annually Reflections:
How do I feel about the past year? What were my emotional highlights and lowlights? What is most important in my life right now? What really matters to me ? How did I do on my most important priorities this past year? What have I learned? What do I need from myself and others to make an honest assessmentof my life, my priorities and what matters most to me and those I love? How clearly do my actions and choices reflect those prioroties? What kind of person am I becomming? Who do I eant to be? What values will I live by? Where do I want to be a year from now? What do I need to do or learn to get there? How can I be more intentional about living my values and fulfilling my mission in life? What course corrections or changes in my life do I need to implement this year? What am I doing to renew, reinvigorate and reinvent myself and my life?
Triennially - every 2-3 years:
What are the most significant things I have learned? Where have I been complacent or missed big opportunities? Where am I at risk? What am I holding on to that I need to let go of? What trends or signals have I seen that might signal it’s time to pivot, disruptmyself, or try something new? Given how fast things are changing around me, is it time to disrupt myself? How long do I have, realistically, before my life or career is disrupted by something else if i don’t? Given what I care about most deeply, what are the critical opportunities to capitalize on? Where am I most afraid of taking decisive action? What’s the BOLD MOVE I know in my heart I need to make?
How had my life story, my life’s journey evolved? What are the big choices I made in the last 10 years? What kind of life am I liiving, how does that compare to the life I wiant to live? Who do I want to be? How do I connect to my deepest mission + purpose? What do I need to INVEST in over the next 3-5 years to accomplish or fulfill what matters most? What do I need to transform about myself or my life in order to accomplish my highest calling and purpose?
After key events:
What worked well? What did not work well? What could have gone better? What do I wish I had done differently? What lessons have I learned? What will I do to implement what I have learned through this experience? How can I make sure I am even better prepared for similar opportunities or experiences in the future?
What have I done lately to become a better person? What have I done to bring joy to someone’s life today? When is my next opportunity to act with compassiom and love? What else should I be asking myself or reflecting on?
Source: Peterson, D.B. ( 2021). The DNA of VUCA: A framework for building learning agility in an accelerating world. In V.S, Harvey & K.P> De Meuse ( Eds.), The Age of Agility: Building Learning Agile Leaders and Organizations. London: Oxford University Press.