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As a thinking partner, I expand peoples’ capacity to learn & evolve. I coach capable people to overcome obstacles & see new solutions.
Conversations are creative + reflective with a focus on increasing emotional engagement, enthusiasm & excitement around change.
Clients are prompted to a strong shift in perspective + action in a short time.
ali cocco, acc, cpc, eli-mp
Private & Executive Coach
For over 25 years, I spent my career surrounded by amazingly savvy, sometimes brilliant & always charismatic sales leaders. Many of which became the most beautiful friends. I had the opportunity to represent vibrant & impactful global media brands …. MTV, Discovery, Comedy Central, Paramount, TLC, Travel Channel, and Nickelodeon, to name a few. I had clients who shared my vision of what true partnership was & love of our changing industry. I traveled, went to the best parties on both coasts, and made a very lucrative living working super hard and belly-laughing every day.
At the same time….I was restless, and my priorities shifted; I wanted something more, something different. “What could I possibly do next?” “I am way too old to switch it up. “ “How could I use all my experience & strengths more authentically?”
I marveled as my husband, Chris, evolved his career from a cinematographer to leading a brand multimedia team for a global financial company with grace and bravery.
And then my parents passed. They passed within four months of each other. ( I will forever call it romance ) Dealing with and navigating my new life without them was challenging and heartbreaking, but I was always hopeful; I never lost my joy…
Then I finally made some moves…
Change is difficult for anyone, but the more I authentically and enthusiastically faced change, the more I found that clarity we all crave and was able to design my next act.
I want to help you see change as something wonderful and full of possibilities. This is your chance to switch it all up, design a new story and close the gap between what you know and what you do. I can help you do that.
Let’s create meaningful change,
“It takes a long time to sound like yourself.”
- Miles Davis